Monday, July 18, 2011

Fluoride, a Friend or Foe

In 1945 many cities in the United States began adding sodium fluoride into the public water system. The idea that fluoridated water helped strengthen tooth enamel thereby decreasing the incidence of tooth decay came about in the 1930s. 

H. Trendely Dean, a dentist working for the U.S. Public Health Services, noticed that children living in cities with naturally high calcium fluoride contents in the water presented with fewer cavities.  He started publishing incomplete data to show that at 1ppm fluoride resulted in the reduction of tooth decay.  During this time many large industries were dumping fluoride into the rivers and lakes. Warning signs were posted advising people not to cook or drink with high-fluoridated water. Communities began removing fluoride from public water supplies.  By the late 1930’s, lawsuits against industries that were polluting water supplies with fluoride, like ALCOA (the world’s largest aluminum producer), were increasing!
Alcoa was selling its by-product of sodium fluoride as a rat poison and insecticide.  But they still had more than they could sell.  It was costing $8,000 a truckload to dispose of the hazardous waste by product of sodium fluoride.
It was the job of Dr. Gerald Cox, a biochemist working for Alcoa to research and find ways to reduce the sodium fluoride waste.  He began fluoride experiments with rats.  He stated that his study along with an earlier study done by Armstrong and Brekhayus found that dental enamel of healthy teeth had higher fluoride contents than in teeth with cavities (In 1963, Armstrong recanted his original findings as incorrect). Cox presented his findings to the Food and Nutritional board of National Research Council, which led to the Council’s endorsement of fluoridation.
Companies who produced the unwanted by-products of fluoride could now dispose of them, and at a profit!
In 1943, the Journal of the American Medical Association pointed out:
Fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons.  The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1 ppm or more of fluorine.  Another source of fluorine intoxication is from the fluorides used in smelting of many metals, such as aluminum.
In 1944, the issue of the Journal of the ADA warned that,(In reference to water fluoridation):  In the light of our present knowledge or lack of knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm far outweigh those for the good.
In 1944, Oscar Ewing, an attorney for ALCOA, was appointed Federal Security Administrator.  The United States Public Health Service, then a division of the Federal Security Administration, was under Ewing’s command.  He vigorously began promoting fluoridation nationwide.   He hired as his public relations strategist, Edward Bernays, also known as the “Father of Public Relations”.  He pioneered the application of Sigmund Freud’s theories to advertising and public propaganda. 
In 1944, (despite the warning issued only three months earlier by the ADA), Grand Rapids became the first city in the U.S. to fluoridate its drinking water.  The rates of decay would be compared with non-fluoridated Muskegon, Michigan, for ten years, at which time the effectiveness of fluoridation would be determined.
But by 1950, only 6 years into the study, the propaganda was so effective and widespread that even the USPHS and the ADA endorsed fluoridation as a safe and effective means for reducing tooth decay.
The USPHS formed an alliance with the trade unions of medicine and industry to promote the addition of a toxic waste product to the public water supply.
Since 1997, The Food and Drug Administration has required a warning label on all dental care products containing fluoride:
WARNING: Keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age.  If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.
According to the 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic! 
Eighty-seven cases of fluoride poisoning in children younger than 12 years old were reported to the Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center in1986. Eighty-five cases involved accidental ingestion of fluoride products in the home.  In a more recent study, it was reported that sodium fluoride, the same type used in Crest, Colgate and most all toothpaste, was the most frequent single cause of acute poisoning in children.  How odd that we put safety locks on our cupboard doors to prevent toddlers from ingesting the poisons stored there, and yet we overlook the dangerous potentials of our daily oral hygiene products!
In 1993, the Food and Drug Administration was forced to admit that they have no studies showing that fluoride tablets or drops are either safe or effective in reducing tooth decay.
Water has been fluoridated in the range of .7 ppm to 1.2ppm.  Recently the EPA lowered the maximum range of fluoridation to .7 ppm. However, many countries have discontinued water fluoridation altogether on the grounds that it is unsafe. Do they know something we don’t?  Many of us do not realize the amount of fluoride they ingestion a daily basis.  Fluoride content can be greatly increased when you cook with Fluoridated water.  As an example, raw peas contain .012milligrams of fluoride, but when cooked in fluoridated water, those same peas contain 1.5 milligrams of fluoride.The average consumption of fluoride today is approximately 7to 10 mg. daily.  Fluoride is stored in the body in specific tissues (mostly the bones and tissues) and is cumulative.
Fluoride has been linked to many adverse health effects,such as:
  • Cancer
  • Chromosome damage
  • Skeletal Fluorosis
  • Damaging the Immune System
  • Neurological Impairment
  • Enzyme Inhibition
  • Enamel Fluorosis (white blotchy spots on enamel which are present as the tooth erupts and stays on the tooth forever)

I hope this information has given you a desire to seek and learn more about fluoride.  Is Fluoride your friend or foe?  You decide.  To learn about studies which supported the foundation for recognizing Fluoride as an effective factor in reducing tooth decay please refer to the following website:
For a comprehensive source of government conducted and privately conducted studies which are used as factual basis for Fluoridating drinking water, please refer to the following website:

Disclosure:  Information provided in this blog is a summary of what is available to public about dangers associated with drinking Fluoridated water and using Fluoride altogether.  This information does not reflect the personal opinion of Rahbar Dentistry PC and its team.  Our goal is to provide our readers with as much knowledge   as we can to empower them to make the right choices for themselves and their families.
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